Navigator - TrioLab
Trio Health Navigator
Trio Health Navigator provides navigation, training, and education services to patients and caregivers on behalf of affiliated health care professionals and organizations. Our services include navigation of private and public payer plans, Patient Support Program (PSP) liaison, and Patient training and education services. We ensure patients can start and stay on therapy in a manner that was intended by their prescriber while reducing out-of-pocket costs.
A Caring Approach
Being on a specialty drug can be challenging, Our team takes a caring approach to educate and inform patients on the process that will be needed to help secure coverage for their medications. We provide insight on the process and the stakeholders involved, including how PSP and Government programs can help when there is limited or no coverage through private plans.
Prior Authorization and EAP Access Navigation
Our team works with health care partners to help collect information to support submissions to prior authorizations and EAP program. We can fill required forms, collect signatures from patients and practitioners, and provide required clinical information to programs to support approvals for prescribed medications. Our goal is to get medication costs covered so patients can start expediently and stay on their therapy.
Patient Support Program Navigation
It is difficult keeping track of all the available patient support programs. Our team can help. We navigate multiple patient support programs whether it's for compassionate use, financial assistance, education, or extra required services and support. Our team can be your one stop shop to deal with all available patient support programs and ensure patients get the maximum benefits from available support programs
Digital Forms
Our team utilizes digital technologies to complete EAP, PAs and PSP forms. This allows us to follow up with manufacturers, insurers patients and case workers in a manner that expedites coverage.